2016社群藝術論壇 (FCA 2016)

2016-forum e-poster

Forum on Community Arts 2016

Forum on Community Arts & Heritage Preservation



The concept of “community arts” can be traced back to the 1960s, when the artists reflected on the meaning of art. Should arts be trapped by the walls of the museums? Could arts communicate with the citizens outside the walls? Could art respond to or even change the society? The thoughts of the pioneers took us away from the art that was just meant for the elites, instead, they believed that art should empower the underprivileged and bring in breeze for social change. Some of them practiced art as a means to cultural preservation, such as the marginalized indigenous culture, the natural ecosystem torn apart by development, the community culture threatened by modernization, etc. Today, the importance of inheritance and preservation of the culture of marginalized community is getting into the eyes of the public, there are more and more people getting involved in promoting community arts as cultural preservation, throughout the world.

The lists of artists, community worker and scholars, both local and overseas, working within the fields of community arts, are invited with honor. Overseas guests include Mr. Dan BARON COHEN (Brazil), Prof. SU Yao-hua (Taiwan) and Miss Camylla ALVES (Brazil). They will share with us local and overseas cases of how community arts preserve the culture. There are also workshops sharing different methods of practicing community arts as a way of preservation. We hope that it will put our heads together and facilitate the communication between the industry and the public.


主辦單位特意邀請本地及海外投身社群藝術和文化保育的藝術工作者、社區工作者及學者,其中外地講者包括:Dan BARON COHEN(巴西)、蘇瑤華(台灣)、Camylla ALVES(巴西),分享外地及本地以社群藝術實踐文化保育的案例。另特設工作坊講授以不同形式之社群藝術作保育的方法,希望能夠促進業界和公眾人士的交流,集思廣益。

論壇日程 Programme Schedule


Keynote Speech 主題演講

Community University of the Rivers: Cultivating transformative arts-based pedagogies in formal education in the Amazon. 

 Mr. Dan Baron Cohen 

(Community University of Rivers, Brazil 巴西河域社區大學) 

This presentation reveals the challenges of pedagogical survival and innovation on the thresholds between a paradigm of market-based, formal education in deep crisis, and an emerging paradigm of eco-cultural community-based formation, in the very specific geopolitical context of the present industrialization of the Brazilian Amazon. Through a series of videos produced with the young arts educator-coordinators of the project, the presentation will describe and reflect on the arts-rich inter-subjective pedagogical culture that defines this independent initiative, as a network of connected knowledges and potentials, and as a multiple intervention within ‘high-school’ and federal university education, and within a deeply conservative afro-indigenous riverside, urban, former fishing community. 


In addition to questioning established and progressive educational relations between teacher-pupil and between generations through the evocation of dialogic practices which place the young person as co-researcher, co-creator of knowledge and mediator between past and future values and narratives, the presentation also evaluates the educational significance and potential of cultural practices such as community kite-making, traditional-contemporary dance, collective percussion, and video-storytelling through mobile-phones, as ethical and socioeconomic formation of excluded young people as the makers of new or renewed ‘schools’ and new communities of ‘choice’. 


Above all, the presentation reflects on these challenges and potentials through post- colonial and self-decolonizing multiple experiences of ‘indifferent’ fatalism about the future, an accelerating disintegration of ‘the social’ into atomized sleepless addicts of social networks, and a reflexive experimentation with sexual identity. These powerful, consuming and ‘silent’ dimensions of ‘formation’, ‘peer-education’ and ‘pedagogic coordination’, permeate all the spaces within formal and popular education, and seem to be characterized by an inarticulate excess of visceral knowledge and poverty of theory. 


Set on the banks of the River Tocantins, about to be irreversibly transformed into a river highway and vast hydroelectric dam, the learning and teaching dramas on this Amazonian threshold acquire a compelling relevance. 



09.04.2016 | 11:15-12:00  

Lecture Theatre 2, Yasumoto International Academic Park, CUHK  


Contemplating Socially Engaged Art: Perspective at the Founding of Treasure Hill Artist Village

Prof. Su Yao-hua 蘇瑤華教授  

(Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan 台灣天主教輔仁大學) 

10.04.2016 | 10:30-11:15 

Lecture Theatre 3, Yasumoto International Academic Park, CUHK  
